My Favorite Organizational Tools

I’ve been bitten by the organization bug and I want to share it with you! Next month (December) I’m going to be doing a weekly post about how I organize my blog, and tips and tricks to help you get organized too. It’s actually something I’m really excited about since organizing is something I thoroughly enjoy doing. Here is a small peak of my organizing skills:

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This isn’t me boosting or bragging this is me showing you that I’ve found a technique that works for me. A few of my favorite tools are:


Evernote is one of my all time favorite apps/programs. It’s an organizers DREAM!


If you’re a list lover (and who isn’t?!) then Wunderlist is fabulous! They keep trying to get me to upgrade but, the free version is perfect for me.

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My ARC Spreadsheet! I check this thing all the time. In fact it’s the first spreadsheet I’ve ever done right. Although, I guess that’s not saying much.


As I find other cool things I’ll add them to this page, but don’t forget to check back in December for my Organization Trick’s & Trip’s.

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