Top Ten Tuesday {4/9/13}

Posted April 9, 2013 by Octavia in Features & Spotlights / 0 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jamie of Broke and Bookish
*click on the cover art to add it to your Goodreads list*

I’m doing a slight adjustment to this week’s TTT, by only putting the books I’ve read since 2011.

This week’s Top Ten list is:


Top Ten Books Favorite Books I Read Before I Was A Blogger!


Like I’ve said in my review, this book was ridiculously amazing! I never expected to love it as much as I did and it’s a book that will definitely be re-read by me.



The writing style and character development is what really made this story phenominal for me. I loved it so much that I kind of just rambaled like a crazy person during my review, which I’m not really ashamed of to be honest. The book was so great I couldn’t find the best way to articulate it.


Do I even have to say why I LOVED this book? It is sacreligious for any “book lover” to not have read this book. It was like a chocolate covered orgasm topped with Coldstone’s cake batter ice cream.lightpinkdots

Have you ever fallen so hard that all the wind was knocked out of your body? This is how I felt the entire time I was reading Significance. I never expected to find such a gem among indie authors and I can’t tell you how happy I am that I gave this book a chance.


Another book I completely underestimated. Prince of Wolves was a delicious addition to my “I heart indie authors”  stage, and what a fantabulous stage that was.


There are only two words that can appropriately sum up the initial reason why I grabbed this book: DRAGON SEX. Yes you read that right. The dragon sex drew me in but the characters and nonstop humor is what made me fall head over heels in love with Dragon Bound.


First Grave on the Right had me laughing from the beginning to the very end. But it wasn’t just the humor that got me. The plot, concept, characters and writing all made my heart do very happy things. I’m just sad I haven’t picked up the next in the series yet.


TRAVIS!!!!!!I don’t care what anyone else thinks or feels about this book, I loved it and like all the other books on this list it is a favorite reread of mine.


I picked this one up solely on it’s gorgeous cover. I didn’t go to Goodreads, I didn’t ask a friend, I just saw the cover and said give it to me! And then I stayed up till 5 am to finish this fabulous book!


Two words ladies: Daemon Black

That should be more than enough motivation for anyone who hasn’t read this book to go grab a copy, and for the one’s who have read it to grab their copy and settle in for a re-read.

I loved so many books before I started blogging but I really love the fact that I can look back at these reviews and see how much I have grown and how much potential I have as a reviewer.

Do our list overlap? Link your Top Ten in the comments! 🙂

