Stop & Chat ~Guilty Pleasures?~

Posted August 10, 2014 by Octavia in Features & Spotlights / 0 Comments

Stop & Chat

Happy Sunday!! Today’s Stop & Chat is about…..



So I was at work reading a few weeks ago when someone walked over and asked me what I was reading. Typically this is the point where  start to gush (or rant) about the current book in my hand and push said book (or one that’s similar but better) onto them. But on this particular day, the one day I decide NOT to go out to my car and read I had this beauty in my hands:

Twice Tempted HR

A perfectly fantastic book but COME ON! The cover screams “cheesy romance” and I didn’t want to see “that” look people give you when they see you’re reading.  So I sad the first thing that came to my mind. Something totally stupid and unnecessary.

“Just something light. Guilty pleasures you know?”

Then I laughed, put the book in my bag and swiftly changed the subject. It wasn’t until later that I realized that was a totally stupid thing to do. What was I embarrassed about? Who was I trying to impress? Why didn’t I gush about how great this series is and how that was my THIRD time reading Twice Tempted? And above all else what the hell compelled me to utter the words “guilty pleasure?

I don’t even believe in the term “guilty pleasure”! I think it’s ridiculous to feel guilty about something that brings you pleasure (outside of creepy stuff…like REALLY creepy stuff O__O) and I can’t believe that I let what someone else “might” think compel me to say something so stupid.  Then I realized this is why I don’t read “traditional” romance novels. It’s not just the fact that I hate cheesy romances I’m worried about someone trapping me in that “women only like cheesy romance” box. This mystical box that sucks eggs and doesn’t really exist. Which brings me to the meat of potatoes of today’s post! I want you all to be honest and tell me what are some of your “guilty pleasures”? Why do you feel “guilty” about them in the first place? And once you’ve written it out, looked at it and have properly evaluated it, are you ready to get rid of that ridiculous phrase?

O-Sign RSR 2.0.2

