It’s been a while since we chatted guys! I’ve been a busy mess but I am here with a topic I’ve been sitting on for AGES!!
Buddy Reads!
I know this seems like an odd topic but I really just need to rant amongst my fellow book nerds! You see, I realized a while back that I am not a good “buddy read” candidate. I LOVE the idea of buddy reading but when it actually comes down to the actual act I fail…EPICALLY.
I’ve come to realize that I am just too stubborn for it. Just the thought of “let’s read this, this week, this much a day” makes me want to dig my heels in and scream YOU CAN’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO.
I understand this is ridiculous and totally a mind over matter kind of thing but for the life of my I just can’t overcome it. Even when I KNOW I’ll love the book I still have this horrible habit of procrastinating or tossing the book to the side altogether. And it’s not just with buddy reads; I do this with ARCs too! It’s one of the main reason why I stopped accepting ARC request a while back. I was so burnt out from reading on a schedule that I shut down. I let it build to a point where instead of just dialing down the ARCs I couldn’t even think about them. I seriously went from planning and drafting ALL THE THINGS to avoiding ARC request emails. Not the best trait in a book blogger. 🙁
And it makes me feel so bad! I’ll have a friend ask if I want to buddy read, or get excited that I’m about to start a book they loved and the pressure just KILLS it. I used to love buddy reading and scheduling my reads but now I seriously think about it and immediately want to take a nap! I’m working on getting over this craziness but tell me….am I alone? Do you ever feel so overloaded you just have to walk away? Tell me in the comments below!