ARC August: Tips, Advice + My Personal Strategy

Posted July 31, 2015 by Shelly in Features & Spotlights / 8 Comments

arc august
ARC August is almost here (tomorrow!) and I’ve come bearing a gift to you, the gift of knowledge! (Kidding, kidding.) But in all seriousness, here are some ways I plan to TAKE DOWN THOSE ARCS!

1. Draft posts beforehand. I like to format all my reviews before I read the book. By format, I mean, add the book cover and all the necessary information that goes into making a review look spotless. I just add in my rating+ thoughts on the book when I’m actually ready to write the review. If you do a lot at a time (as Octavia and I have already done), it’ll save you time in the long run!

2. Write jot notes instead of full reviews. I personally like to write full reviews right after I finish reading a book but during the busy month of August, it might not be possible! Instead, I write detailed jot notes of my thoughts about the book. The main information will stay the same in the formal review, it’ll probably just be written better! Make sure to write down your thoughts so your future self can write a coherent review.

3. Make a reward system. If I’m feeling super lazy (which happens a lot), I might give myself a small reward after a couple chapters or a chunk of the book. I used this system when I had to read Frankenstein for school and I rewarded myself after 3 chapters of it with one chapter of the book I actually wanted to read. The reward system can be something as simple as a short TV episode or a youtube clip! Get creative!

4. Understand that everyone has a different reading pace. I might read a bit faster or slower than others so please remember that ARC August is a fun challenge, meant to motivate yourself! Don’t look at other’s progress and play down on your own. Every page you read, you’re one step closer!


What are your personal tips for ARC August? Do you have any similar advice? Let us know in the comments!



8 responses to “ARC August: Tips, Advice + My Personal Strategy

  1. YAY! I already have the first two ARCs that I plan to tackle sitting on the table, waiting for me to read them!
    I’ll definitely use the reward system when I need to push myself to write the reviews!

  2. I’ve got my ARC books downloaded and ready to go. I plan on going full force tomorrow night. Great tips on the note taking. I need to start doing this again. I like to set up my posts too. It makes it so much easier later.

  3. I always draft my reviews first too! It seriously saves so much time and energy that could be better used in the actual review, when the time comes. It’s just so much easier.

  4. I loved these tips. I take notes as I read not only on GR but on an index card in book. It helps keep track of thoughts then when I do write a review I have references to certain things.

    Sidenote I am hosting #WriteThoseReviews during August 3rd-10th so thought maybe anyone interested in joining would be motivated to write reviews for #ArcAugust. Might want to check it out.


  5. Ashley I love the idea of the index cards. I will read something in the book and I’d be like “need to note that” but I rarely have the paper, that’s why I don’t mind the ebook reader because I can annotate without anything else.

    I’d love to hear more tips!