ARC April: Reading Tips!

Posted March 31, 2016 by Shelly in Discussion Post, Random Ramblings / 6 Comments

arc april

This post isn’t necessarily all about ARC April but I figure it’d be a nice time to share some reading tips for those who are participating to get through all those ARCs!

1. Read a short story or a comic in between to avoid slumping! I fall into reading slumps because I let books linger (which is pleasant and all) but if I’m pressed for time, I really need to focus on picking up another novel. One thing I like to do is to just read an issue of a comic or even a short story online just so I enter another literary world, but it isn’t for too long.

2. Plan a read or two ahead. If you’re terrible at making TBR piles, when you pick up a book to read, pick up the book you’re going to read after. When you start the second book, pick the book for after and repeat. That way, you’re not stuck in the “what book do I read next” game.

3. If you have a smartphone, put eARCs on your kindle app as well as your preferred e-reader. If you find yourself waiting in line or on public transit, this is a convenient way to read more.

4. Draft posts in advance! Format the posts for your reviews in advance so when you’re done the book, you can get straight to just jotting down your thoughts.

5. Stay off Twitter when possible. I deleted the Twitter app off my phone and have been using Tweetdeck to schedule blogging tweets so I can say that it works if you need to be more productive, and if social media tends to stress you out at times, it can be a great refresh.

Do you have any tips for faster reading? Let’s talk in the comments!

shelly sig



6 responses to “ARC April: Reading Tips!

  1. I am ready to get started! Actually I have gotten started: going to post my TBR and prep review posts today. I will try to keep Twitter to a minimum. I’m starting with one of my shorter reads to feel like I’m accomplishing more when I get done with it, lol.
    Take care,

  2. Great tips, especially the drafts one. I think I’ll do that. I wanted to ask if it’s okay to modify my ARC April list? I recieved a few arcs that I’d like to add to it.

    • Sure! We don’t even require a sign up post, the challenge is completely up to you how you want to complete it! As long as the books get read is all we care about :=

  3. These are some great tips, especially the blog formatting. I have just started jotting down all my ideas and then I fix and format the rest afterwards and that has helped as well. Take your book, tablet everywhere!Make sure you can read at every free moment. Don’t turn on the television is a great one for me and also not touching my phone. If I don’t do either of those things I will not be tempted to play around when I can be reading. I need to also go into an secluded room where it is quiet and I am the only one. It is too difficult for me to get reading done in my family room while others are distracting me.

  4. I always draft up my reviews ahead of time with the book and author information, along with the synopsis and about the author stuff. It’s a lifesaver, and I really like just being able to open the drafted post and type out my review. It also helps for when I’m on the go, and might have to blog from my Kindle Fire. I won’t have to worry about HTML or anything if I draft everything up ahead of time. 🙂