ARC August 2020 Announcement

Posted July 26, 2020 by Shelly in Challenges / 8 Comments

Hi everyone! Octavia and I are thrilled to announce that ARC August is back on this year! We weren’t sure on whether we would host it or not but there was some interest when we did informal polls so we thought we’d do it a bit more informally this year.

There are no formal sign ups, feel free to join us using the #ARCAugust hashtag on your preferred social media (i.e. Instagram or Twitter).

We will be monitoring the hashtag on both platforms to give you encouragement & to update on our own progress.

The Rules If You’re Joining Us for the First Time:

  1. The challenge lasts all August long, regardless of time zones.
  2. Any Advance Review Copy counts, digital or physical.
  3. You do not have to be a blogger to join. Librarians and booksellers are most definitely welcome, as well as any other profession that would give you access to ARCs.
  4. This is a low-stakes challenge, your TBR and goals are entirely up to you.
  5. The ARCs do not have to be upcoming releases, old ARCs are totally acceptable.

An extra note for this year: we know that there has been a lot of talk in the book community, especially on bookstagram, about the role of ARCs as it relates to privilege. We encourage our participants to donate ARCs to #ownvoices reviewers if possible and/or to share #ownvoices reviews. We also recognize that part of ARC August is to trim down your TBR pile, it would be remiss of us not to suggest that if you receive new review requests during this time, that you can always politely decline a review copy and recommend a smaller underrated (preferably #ownvoices) blogger to get your ARC instead. Happy reading & let’s work to get down our TBRs while uplifting our community! 

We’re so excited for y’all to join us next month! We’re excited to see everyone get through their TBR piles.

Bts Fighting GIF - Bts Fighting Bangtan GIFs
We’re cheering you on!



8 responses to “ARC August 2020 Announcement

  1. Hallo, Hallo!!

    I’ve known about #ARCAugust for more years than I would rather admit — however, I never had the chance to participate in the event itself. This year, I want to join you because I’ve had so many slow starts to re-gain traction inside my ARCs and especially cut down the ones which ended up on my backlogue. It would be brilliant if I could focus on the top choices I’ve been trying to read since January and use that as a stepping stone towards reducing the rest throughout the final months of the year. Thanks for hosting and I look forward to re-focusing on my ARCs which dearly need to be read and reviewed.
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  2. Yessss~! I was hoping there would be an announcement post this week! I’ve been participating in ARC August for a few years and it’s the one annual readathon I ALWAYS join in on. I love how laid-back you all make it, and I love your added encouragements to uplift own-voices reviews and to donate ARCs to own-voices reviewers. ♥ Thank you for doing this for another year!
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  3. So excited to see this coming back this year!
    I’m hoping this helps me get my most recent e-arcs in order and completed before they release.